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A Projects Abroad intern assists with checking a patient to gain internship work experience overseas.

International Internships

Gain practical, real-world global work experience and work on your professional development

Join one of our international internships and gain work experience overseas to boost your professional development.

This is what you can expect on one of our internship opportunities abroad:

  • Receive first-hand practical knowledge in your field to help your professional development
  • Gain international work experience where you learn by doing 
  • Hone essential soft skills like communication and organisation

We’re here to help you find an overseas internship programme that matches your requirements and level of experience. We offer a wide variety of short and long-term internship placements, perfect for students and those interested in summer internships abroad.

Whether you’re looking for a Human Rights Internship abroad or you want to get international medical experience, we’ll help you select your ideal global internship.

Options for Overseas Internships 

View specific types of internships using the links below:

Why do international internships?

An intern abroad participates in a legal clinic with the help of a lawyer in Cape Town, South Africa.

An internship programme abroad is an excellent way to:

  • Equip yourself with new knowledge and skills
  • Gain international work experience in your chosen field 
  • Help you decide whether a specific career is really for you
  • Build an international network by working with a diverse group of local professionals and interns
  • Another advantage of getting work experience overseas is that you’ll improve valuable skills like communication and planning.

Another advantage of getting work experience overseas is that you’ll improve valuable skills like communication and planning.

If an internship isn’t quite what you're looking for, then take a look at our volunteer projects abroad. You can work in Childcare, Conservation, and more.

“Overall I absolutely loved the Micro-finance project. It was an incredibly hands on project which not only allowed me to help women in need, but it also helped me learn and grow as an individual in my abilities..” - Jake J, Microfinance Internship in Tanzania

How do I intern abroad?

A healthcare volunteer in wearing a protective mask and gloves treats a patient on a medical internship in Ghana

Our international internship opportunities are open to people from all backgrounds who are at least 16 years old. They’re particularly valuable if you’re about to join university, already a student, or looking for graduate internships abroad.

For example, if you do an Engineering Internship abroad, you’ll gain practical work experience and skills that will help set you apart when you apply for jobs following graduation. Similarly, you can do a Business Internship abroad to land yourself a place at a more highly rated business school.

Requirements vary depending on the internship you choose, but for most internship work abroad, you can join without any specific qualifications or expertise. Unless specified in the requirements, you don’t need to be enrolled in university or at school to join our internships abroad.

You'll work alongside experienced professionals and you'll be guided every step of the way if you need it. Use their expertise for your own professional development.

At the same time, many of our internships are designed to have a meaningful impact in the communities you work in. For example, your Microfinance Internship abroad will be used to help local entrepreneurs grow their business. If you choose a Medical Internship abroad, your help will bring essential basic medical services to rural areas.

Throughout your project, you’ll be supervised by our friendly local staff. They’ll be available 24/7 to support and guide you through the work you do.

If you’re worried about how much you can really gain from an internship programme when you’re going in with little experience, read our blog about volunteering abroad with no experience.

How do I find a summer internship abroad?

On a law internship abroad in China, an intern smiles as she works at her desk

If you’re planning on working abroad for the summer to give your CV an extra edge, our projects are a great fit. They run throughout the year and have flexible dates, so you can do summer internships abroad with us any point over June, July, or August.

Summer is a popular time of year to do an internship programme abroad, especially for high school graduates and university students. Many people ask us “when should I apply for a summer internship?” We recommend applying early (at least three months before you want to leave) to make sure you get a spot on the placement of your choice. This is especially important if you’re applying for a trip with fixed dates, as those fill up quickly!

Narrow down your choices based on your interests. If you’re passionate about helping animals, you could end up on a Wildlife Conservation Internship abroad or a Marine Conservation Internship abroad. Or maybe you plan to study English at university, in which case, you’d get a lot out of a Journalism Internship abroad.

For those already at university, the choice is a little easier; you’re likely to pick the project that most closely matches the subject you study. If you’re still at school and are unsure of which path to take, then read this popular blog post on the best summer internships for high school students for more inspiration.

“I came into my medical placement knowing nearly nothing about medicine other than the fact that I wanted one day to work in the field, and I left knowing exactly what branch of surgery I want to specialise in. It was one of the best experiences that I have had in my life.” - Jose L, Medical Internship in Mexico

Where should I do my summer internship?

When looking to do your internship in another country, it’s important to choose the programme that contributes the most to your personal goals. Get in touch to make contact with a Project Expert, who can advise you on which options best fit your passions and ambitions.

For Conservation Internships abroad, we work in numerous habitats, including  the Peruvian rainforest, the Botswana bushveld, and the Galapagos Islands. Pick a location based on the kind of wildlife you want to help protect.

Of course, Medical Internships abroad are needed in every country. But the kind of conditions you treat will vary. Medical outreaches in Ghana focus on malaria testing and treating leprosy patients’ wounds, while medical interns based in Argentina pay special attention to raising awareness of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Let your interests lead you to the right destination. By working closely with our Project and Destination Experts, you’re bound to find your ideal work placement abroad.

Is it worth paying for an internship abroad?

Often people ask us, “can I do a free internship abroad?” If this was possible, then you wouldn’t have access to the hassle-free services we provide, as well as our gold standard for safety and support.

We want you to have an experience that’s really worth it, for both your personal and professional development. It’s an investment in your future career and a chance to have the best experience possible.

We don’t offer free internships abroad, but we do provide you with the chance to shadow leading professionals, not to mention all the other benefits that are included in the price including food, accommodation, and much more.

Read more about our views regarding volunteering abroad for free.

What are the advantages of an international internship?

A medical volunteer smiles during her international internship in Cambodia

When you travel overseas, you’re opening your mind up to new ways of looking at the world. This allows you to think more creatively and become the problem solver that employers are looking for.

Say you do a Nursing Internship abroad. You’ll become educated on the health requirements of a completely new environment. Maybe you’ll be testing for malaria in Kenya or working with traditional medicine in Vietnam. Whatever you do, you’ll expand your skills by observing how professional nurses operate in other regions of the world.

Or maybe you work on a Human Rights Internship abroad. You’ll have firsthand experience of the importance of human rights in countries like Ghana. Your home country might already have LGBTQ rights in a way that Ghana sadly doesn’t. It’s only by experiencing these different legal systems firsthand, that you get a sense of just how valuable justice really is.

So the real advantage of an internship abroad is gained perspective. You’ll have a high-quality experiential education, shadowing experts, but in an environment that really pushes your limits. You’ll leave bursting with confidence, ready to show employers what you’re capable of.

“Before Cape Town, I really knew nothing about human rights. Coming here not only enlightened me, but it impacted me in every aspect of my life. I can never forget these amazing people at Youngsfield, and everyone I met along the way. When I left, each one of the refugees hugged me and looked me deep in the eyes to tell me thank you. The gratitude and love these people possessed was incomprehensible.” - Emily D, Law & Human Rights Internship, South Africa

What is the right age to intern abroad?

Sometimes people worry that they’re not the right age for an international internship. They’ll ask if 25 is too old to intern abroad, thinking it’s something only for high school students preparing for university. This isn’t the case.

Our international internships are open to anyone over 16 and usually don’t require qualifications, which is why they’re so popular among younger people. But you’re never too old to travel abroad, learn new things, and enhance your career. For certain international internships, you’re required to have university experience in the subject, or you need to speak a language like Spanish or French. 

The right age to intern abroad is whenever you feel ready to dive into a new exciting experience aimed at your personal and professional development!

Choose an Internship Placement

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1-3 of 96 Projects

Medical health check up in Nepal
Medical Internship for Undergraduate Students in Nepal
See this project
  • Price: €2,695 for 2 weeks
  • Extra Weeks: €700
  • Start Date: June and July
  • Minimum Duration: 2 weeks
  • Age: 18 or over
Female Medical intern treats a local woman's finger at a Public Health Outreach programme during her Medical placement in Ghana.
Medical Internships in Ghana
See this project
  • Price: €1,870 for 1 week
  • Extra Weeks: €315
  • Start Date: Completely flexible dates
  • Minimum Duration: 1 week
  • Age: 16 or over
Local medical staff with a group of Projects Abroad Medicine interns doing work experience placements in Tanzania.
Medicine Internship in Tanzania
See this project
  • Price: €2,185 for 2 weeks
  • Extra Weeks: €315
  • Start Date: Completely flexible dates
  • Minimum Duration: 2 weeks
  • Age: 16 or over
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