A projects abroad intern is seen giving a check up to a local boy whilst on her nursing work experience in Peru.

Nursing Internship in Peru

Gain overseas experience as a nursing intern in Peru by working alongside professional medical staff

At a glance

  • Join our Nursing internship in Peru and start your journey towards a nursing career. Based in a public hospital, you will learn directly from nurses as they do their rounds.
  • Rotating through different departments you’ll learn about different procedures like wound cleaning, stitches, injections and more.
  • Based in the city of Cusco you’ll live with a local host family; ensuring that you become immersed into Peruvian culture.

Start Dates: 

Completely flexible dates

See Dates

Minimum Duration: 

Four Weeks


18 or over
You need to speak intermediate Spanish.

Is the Nursing internship in Peru right for me?

Our Nursing internship in Peru is open to all ages and is ideal if you are pursuing a career in nursing.

You can use this nursing work experience in Peru to boost your CV, and it will give you a lot to talk about in interviews. Talk about what you saw and learned at the hospital, and how you overcame any challenges you faced. You will also have a deeper insight into the healthcare challenges people face in developing countries.

Whether you’re planning to study nursing, or already enrolled in university, this internship will add value to your future career.


To do this internship, you must speak an intermediate level of Spanish. This is because many nurses and patients in Peru do not speak English, and you need to communicate with them. 

You can intern at any time of the year, but you are required to stay for at least four weeks, and can stay for longer than that.

A local doctor and Projects Abroad intern are seen sharing a joke during her medicine and nursing internship in Peru.

What will you do on the Nursing Internship in Peru?

On this internship you will observe nurses as they go about their day. You can choose between a public hospital, healthcare centre, children’s rehabilitation centre, or private health clinic. During your observation, you will see fascinating procedures as they happen and learn about different diseases and conditions. These are some of the activities you can do:

  • Shadow doctors and nurses doing their daily rounds
  • Spend time observing in a variety of hospital departments for a diverse learning experience
  • Sit in during consulations between doctors and patients
  • Assist in outreaches that provide basic healthcare services

Your work will be split in four main areas:

Shadow doctors and nurses   

You will observe how doctors and nurses do their work in a clinical setting. By following medical staff on their rounds, you will see medical procedures as they happen, like stitching, and learn about common diseases in Peru. Ask questions, take notes, and absorb the knowledge of highly experienced practitioners.

Spend time in a variety of hospital departments

We encourage you to learn as much as possible by spending time in different hospital departments. This is a great way of finding out which speciality you are most interested in. The longer your internship, the more time you will get to spend in different departments.

Sit in during consulations between doctors and patients

Sitting in on consultations is a great way to get an idea of how doctors and nurses interact with, diagnose, and treat patients. You are bound to learn a lot of common diseases and how to identify their symptoms during this time.  

Outreaches to provide basic healthcare services

In Peru, many disadvantaged and rural areas have very little access to healthcare services. To help provide these services, we organise medical outreaches twice a month. All of our medical interns participate, and you will help by doing basic health checks. You’ll also raise awareness of common diseases in Peru and how to prevent them.

Types of Nursing placements in Peru

You can explore a number of departments, or focus on those you want to gain experience in. The departments where you can work include:

  • General medicine
  • Obstetrics
  • Gynaecology
  • Paediatrics

If you’re interested in a specific department, please feel free to contact us and we can help advise you.

Two male interns with Projects Abroad take a picture with a local doctor outside the hospital during their nursing internship in Peru.

Where you work during the Nursing Internship in Peru


You'll be based in the city of Cusco and work in one of four placements. Choose between a public hospital, healthcare centre, children’s rehabilitation centre, or private health clinic. Peru has huge problems with infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases, like diabetes and high blood pressure. This means that there will be plenty of practical cases for you to observe and learn from.

The city was once the capital of the ancient Incan Empire and you'll see countless reminders of this as you walk through it today.

Airport pickup, flights and visas

When you arrive at your respective airport, a member of Projects Abroad staff will be there to meet you. You can find more detailed information on arrival airports, orientation, and visas on our Peru Arrival Procedures page.

Typical day on the Nursing Internship in Peru

On any given day, you will work shifts alongside your professional supervisors.

Your first shift of the day will be from around 8:00am to 1:00pm. Most patients are treated in the mornings, so be prepared for a busy start to the day. You will spend your afternoons shadowing nurses while they provide bedside care, and help with administrative tasks. If available, you could spend your afternoons working in the emergency unit.

If you work at the children’s rehabilitation centre, you will have less contact with doctors in the mornings. During your afternoons you can help with child care activities that focus on education and development.

In the evenings, you will return to your host families to get a taste of living like a Peruvian. Share stories from your day with your host family and fellow volunteers, and chat about life in your home countries.

Your weekends will be free for you to explore the amazing city of Cusco. Walk along streets lined with exquisite architecture and taste delicious lunches like hearty soups. You can also be adventurous and take a trip into the breathtaking mountainous landscapes of the Andes, where llamas roam freely.

A female intern from Projects Abroad is seen drawing blood from a childs finger as part of her nursing internship in Peru.

Aims and Impact of the Nursing Internship in Peru

The main aim of this project is to give you the opportunity to expand your medical knowledge, specifically in the field of nursing, and give you insight into healthcare practices in a developing country.

Peru currently suffers from a double burden of disease: infectious disease remains rife in poorer communities, with respiratory diseases still being one of the leading causes of death in Peru. That being said, non-communicable diseases are also on the rise and malnutrition amongst babies and children remains a serious issue.

Through our outreach programme, we aim to provide basic healthcare to some of these vulnerable groups as well as raise awareness about some of the more pressing health issues facing the country.

We have committed to four goals, as outlined in our Medical Management Plan:

  • Encourage an understanding of medical practices and promote an exchange of medical knowledge
  • Improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients
  • Improve access to basic healthcare to disadvantaged groups
  • Improve hygiene standards

Help us achieve these goals while you gain invaluable nursing work experience in Peru.

Projects Abroad intern takes a photo with a local doctor during her nursing internship in Peru.

Professional volunteers and medical electives for students

This project is also ideally suited to professionals interested in using their skills to help, as well as university medical and healthcare elective students.

As a professional, you can be sure we will match your training and expertise to the placement where you are needed most. With your support, we can make an even bigger impact on the local communities we work with.

If you are an elective student, we will organise an elective placement where you can learn as much as possible. We want you gain the knowledge and skills that will begin to shape your professional career.

Read more about volunteering as a professional or taking a healthcare elective as a student.  

Management plans

We set out the aims and objectives of our projects in documents called Management Plans. We use them to properly plan the work you’ll do. They also help us measure and evaluate our achievements and impact each year.

Ultimately, our Management Plans help us make our projects better. This in turn means you get to be part of something that makes a real impact where it’s needed. Read more about our Management Plans.

Measuring our impact

Our projects work towards clear long-term goals, with specific annual objectives. Every volunteer and intern we send to these projects helps us work towards these goals, no matter how long they spend on our projects.

Every year we take a step back and look at how much progress we've made towards these goals. We put together a Global Impact Report, which documents our achievements. Find out more about the impact our global community of volunteers, interns and staff make, and read the latest report.

Food and accommodation

You'll stay with a host family in Cusco. They will welcome you into their home, eager to share their customs and have you teach them about your own culture. We believe that this is the best way to immerse yourself in the culture of Peru and have a truly unique experience.

We will always try to let you live alongside at least one other Projects Abroad volunteer or intern at the same host family. Your room will be modest, but comfortable, clean, and safe.

Your programme fee includes three meals a day.

Find out more about our accommodation.

Leisure activities and free time

Peru is a vibrant country with a mix of activities for every kind of volunteer. Whether you’re into arts, culture, history, or nature, there’s sure to be something for you!

One of the biggest attractions of Peru is the Inca history. There are awe-inspiring archaeological sites like Coricancha, Tambomachay, and of course, Machu Picchu.

Over a weekend, you can take a trip to the village of Pisac, where you can browse bright, eye-catching textile markets. Don’t miss out on seeing the llamas and alpacas too!

There are also lively restaurants, the perfect place to spend an evening relaxing and enjoying local cuisine, like ceviche.

We run a variety of projects in Peru so you’ll likely meet many other volunteers on your trip. It’s the perfect opportunity to connect and travel as a group. However, you’re welcome to travel independently if you prefer. 

Safety and staff support

Your safety and security is our prime concern. We have many procedures and systems to ensure you have the support you need to enjoy your trip with peace of mind. Our Projects Abroad staff are available 24 hours a day to help, and will be on hand to make sure you settle in well at your accommodation and placement. If you encounter any problems, they will be available to help at any time.

Find out more about safety and backup.

This placement is fully researched, safety audited, and risk assessed in accordance with the British Standard BS8848 for the Adventure Travel Sector.

When you apply you only pay €295, which comes off the total price. Flexible payment options and fundraising advice available.

Looking to do more than one project? Get discounted prices when you combine projects or destinations!

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